Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/162

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Grammar of the Panjdbi Language.

Aec. 4 DeL Kisnü or hmn what Abs. Kistho or kaitho from what

Cardinal Number.

One hik Fifty-three tirwanjl ‘I we do Fifty-fouw chauranjb Three tin Fifty_five pachwanjà Four chir Fiftv..ix chawanjI Five panj Fifty_seven satwanj Six chhih Fifgv_eight atwanj Seven sat Fifty_nine sinht Eight ath Sixty Ski Nine noun Sixty_one ekhât Ten das Sixty_two bhnt Eleven nyIri Sixty-three tehat Twelve hhri Sixty_(hur chsut Thirteen tebrb Sixtyfive pepant Fuurteea chaiid* Sixty_six chahAt Fifteen pundhrfi Sixty_seven Sixteen sohlfi Sixty-eight attãt Seventeen sattAhrfi Sixty_nine unhattir Eighteen attAhrâ Seventy Satar Nineteen nniil Seventy_one ekhatar Twenty wih Seventy-two hbhatar Twenty-one ikkl Seventy..three tehatar Twenty-two b1 Seveniy.four chauhattar Twenty_three te,l Seventy-five panjhattar Twenty-four chavt Seventy_six chahattar Twenty-five panjt Seventy_seven sathattar Twenty-six chhabl Seventy-eight athattar Twentyseven aatâl Sevent’_nine unsl Twenty_eight attul Eighty as Twenty-nine unnattt Eighty_one ekfisl Thirty tih or trili Eighty-two beat Thirty_one ekati Eighty-three tre&sl Thirtytwo batti Eighty_four chauràs Thirty-three teti Eighty-five pachasl Thirty_four chauti Eighty_six eha,àst Thirty_five paints Eighty_seven aatàsl ‘rhirty_six chatti Eighty—eight attâsl Thirty_seven sainti Eighty-nine unànawe Thirty-eight attaintt Ninety nave Thirty_nine nntàll Ninety-one eknave Forty chbhlI Ninety-two bnave Forty_one ektàll Ninety-three teànave Forty_two baitàll Ninety_four chaurnave Forty_three tirtali Ninety_five pnchànave Forty_four chautâlt Ninety_six obainave Forty-five pait.àll Ninety_seven satnave Forty_six chatãlt Ninety-eight atànave Forty-seven. setàli Ninety-nine na4inave Forty_eight att,tIlI Hundred sou senkda Forty-nine unwanjã Thousand Iiazàr Fifty panjfih Hundred thou.. lakh Fifty-one ekwanjè. sand Fifty-two bawaiij1 Million karo4 - 4u’2