Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/161

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Grammar of the Panjbi Language.

4cc. 4. Dat. Hache gho4enü a good horse HachyI good horses ghodylrnl 461. Rache gho4eto from a good Hachyà gho from good horse dyà.to horses This termination Ii changed Into dl to agree with a feminine foul. - Decleniion qf the let Personal Pronoun. - Singular. PluraL Nom. Main or ml I Asi we (JathkL) Gen. Mcdl ormendI niy As141 sldI our Icc. 4. Dat. Men or maink1 inc Aslni slnü tie 1b1. Medekulo 1 (muitho Athon .1thon Medethon -or maithi from me sithi nasithin Mede plso J jmendekulo Declension of the 2nd Personal Pronoun. Singular. Plural. Non’. Tün thou Togi ortusmn yea Geia. TedI, tendl thy TuhIdA or your or tondI tuildI Arc. 4. Dat. Tenü or tunnil thee Tuuilnaul or you tusinnil 161. Tetho or from thee Tuhlthon or from ye. tutbo tusatho Declension of the 3rd Personal Pronoun, (proximate.) Singular. Plural. Nom. E this E these Gem. IsdI of this Inhlndh of these Arc. ôç Dot. hrnl this Inhlnu tbeee 41,3 1kulo, istho from this InhI kulon , the.. InhI pheo Declensien of the 3rd Personal Pronoun, (remote.) Is on’. 0 that 0 those Gm. Usd1 of that OnhIndl of tho.. 4cc. 4. Ddt. Unul that Onhanü or thoee onhIrni OnIkulog ) 461. Ustho from that OnhIthon ‘from those Onhlpaso J .Declenalon of £1. Refleetice Pronoun. Nom. A’pe self Geia. A’pnl of self 4cc. 4. Dat. Apiul to self 461. A’ptho from self Doclensiom of the Interrogative Pronoun, (animate.) Noes. Kouna who Gem. KiedI whose 1cc. 4. Dat. Kisrnl or klnü from whom 461. Kietho Deolension of the I%errogative Pronoun, (inanimate.) Non’. Kyl or hi what Gen. KiadI or kidI of what