Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/10

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several colonies, may think fit to appoint to meet them; and' the committee of the house of representatives of this province, -are directed to repair to the said New-York, on the first Tuesday in October next, accordingly; ii; there- fore, your honorable house should agree to this proposal, it would be acceptable, that as early notice of it as possible might be transmitted to the speaker of the house of representatives of this province.


In consequence of the foregoing circular letter, the following gentlemen met at New-York, in the province of New-York, on Monday, the 7th of October, 1765, viz:-

Delegates to the Congress ry" 1765.

Manacluueux.-James Otis, New Jersey.-Ruben Ogden, Oliver Partridge, Hendrick Fisher, Timothy Ruggles. J osoph Borden.

Rhode Island.-Metcalf Bowler, Pennsylnqnia.-John Dickinson, Henry Ward. John Morton,

Connecticut.-Eliphalet Dyer, 1 George Bryan. David Rowland, Delaware.-Thomas M'Kea.u, William S. Johnson. Caesar Rodney. New-Yafk.—Rohm R. Livingston, Mwyzfmd.-William Murdock, L John-Crug'er, Edward Tilghman,

Philip Livingston, Thomas Ringgold. William Bayard, S. Carolina.-Thomas Lynch, Leonard Lispenard. Christopher Gadsden, John Rutledge.

New-Hampshire, Wrgimla, North Carolina, and Georgia, were not represented in this congress. But their assemblies wrote that they would agree to whatever was done by the congress.

From the province of Massachusetts Bay, James Otis, Oliver Partridge, and`liEzothy Ruggles, Esqs., who produced their appointment as follows, viz:-