Page:Journal of the First Congress of the American Colonies (1765).djvu/9

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of the





Boston, June, 1765.

Sir: The house of representatives of this province, in the present session of general court, have unanimously agreed to propose a meeting, as soon as may be, of committees from the house of representatives or burgesses, of the several British colonies on this continent, to consult together on the present circumstances of the colonies, and the difficulties to which they are and must be reduced by the operation of the acts of parliament, for levying duties and taxes on the colonies; and to consider of a general and united, dutiful, loyal and humble representation of their condition to his majesty and to the parliament, and to implore relief.

The house of representatives of this province have also voted to propose that such meeting be at the city of New-York, in the province of New-York, on the first Tuesday in October next, and have appointed the committee of three of their members to attend that service, with such as the other houses of representatives or burgesses, in the