Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/204

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[Runo XVII

In the tortures that o’erwhelm me,
And amid this dreadful torment.
“If you do not heed their presence,
And you will not shrink before them,270
Come, O forest, with thy people,
Junipers, bring all your army,
Come, O pine-woods, with your household,
And thou pond with all thy children,
With their swords a hundred swordsmen,
And a thousand mail-clad heroes,
That they may assail this Hiisi,
And may overwhelm this Juutas!
“If you do not heed their presence,
And you will not shrink before them,280
Rise thou up, O Water-Mother,
Raise thy blue cap from the billows,
And thy soft robe from the waters,
From the ooze thy form of beauty,
For a powerless hero’s rescue,
For a weakly man’s protection,
Lest I should be eaten guiltless,
And without disease be slaughtered.
“If you will not heed their presence,
And you will not shrink before them,290
Ancient Daughter of Creation,
Come in all thy golden beauty,
Thou the oldest of all women,
Thou the first of all the mothers,
Come to see the pains that rack me,
And the evil days drive from me,
That thy strength may overcome them,
And perchance may free me from them.
“But if this not yet should move you,
And you will not yet draw backwards,300
Ukko, in the vault of heaven,
On the thundercloud’s wide border,
Come thou here, where thou art needed,
Hasten here, where I implore thee,
To dispel the works of evil,
And destroy this vile enchantment