Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v1.djvu/205

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Runo XVII]
Väinämöinen and Vipunen

With thy sword of flame dispel it,
With thy flashing sword-blade smite it.
“Go thou horror, forth to wander,
Curse of earth depart thou quickly,310
Here no more shall be thy dwelling,
And if thou such dwelling needest,
Elsewhere shalt thou seek thy dwelling,
Far from here a home shalt find thee,
In the household of thy master,
In the footsteps of thy mistress.
“When you reach your destination,
And your journey you have finished,
In the realms of him who made you,
In the country of your master,320
Give a signal of your coming,
Let a lightning flash announce it,
Let them hear the roll of thunder,
Let them see the lightning flashing,
And the yard-gate kick to pieces,
Pull a shutter from the window,
Then the house thou soon canst enter,
Rush into the room like whirlwind,
Plant thy foot within it firmly,
And thy heel where space is narrow,330
Push the men into the corner,
And the women to the doorposts,
Scratch the eyes from out the masters,
Smash the heads of all the women,
Curve thou then to hooks thy fingers,
Twist thou then their heads all crooked.
“Or if this is not sufficient,
Fly as cock upon the pathway,
Or as chicken in the farmyard,
With thy breast upon the dunghill,340
Drive the horses from the stable,
From the stalls the horned cattle,
Push their horns into the dungheap,
On the ground their tails all scatter,
Twist thou then their eyes all crooked,
And their necks in haste then break thou.