Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/115

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Kullervo and his Parents

Then an old dame came to meet him,
Blue-robed Lady of the Forest,
And she spoke the words which follow,
And in words like these expressed her:110
“Whither goeth Kullervoinen,
Where will Kalervo’s son hasten?”
Kullervo, Kalervo’s offspring,
Answered in the words which follow:
“In my mind the thought has entered,
In my brain has fixed the notion
Hence to other lands to wander,
Unto Untamo’s own village,
There my father’s death avenging,
Father’s wrongs, and tears of mother,120
There with fire to burn the houses,
And to burn them up completely.”
But the old wife made him answer,
And she spoke the words which follow:
“No, your race has not yet perished,
Nor has Kalervo been murdered;
For your father still is living,
And on earth in health your mother.”
“O my dearest of old women,
Tell me, O my dear old woman,130
Where I yet may find my father,
Where the fair one who has borne me?”
“Thither is thy father living,
There the fair one who has borne thee,
Far away on Lapland’s borders,
On the borders of a fishpond.”
“O my dearest of old women,
Tell me, O my dear old woman,
How I best can journey to them,
And the road I may discover?“140
“Easy ’tis for thee to journey,
Though to thee unknown the pathway.
Through the forest must thou journey,
By the river thou must travel,
Thou must march one day, a second,
And must march upon the third day,