Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/116

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Then must turn thee to the north-west,
Till you reach a wooded mountain,
Then march on beneath the mountain,
Go the left side of the mountain,150
Till thou comest to a river,
(On the right side thou wilt find it,)
By the riverside go further,
Till three waterfalls rush foaming,
When thou comest to a headland,
With a narrow tongue projecting,
And a house at point of headland,
And beyond a hut for fishing.
There thy father still is living,
There the fair one who has borne thee,160
There thou’lt also find thy sisters,
Two among the fairest maidens.”
Kullervo, Kalervo’s offspring,
Started then upon his journey,
And he marched one day, a second,
Likewise marched upon the third day,
Then he turned him to the north-west,
Till he reached a wooded mountain,
Then he marched halfway below it,
Turning westward from the mountain,170
Till at length he found the river,
And he marched along the river,
On the west bank of the river,
Past three water-falls he journeyed,
Till at length he reached a headland
With a narrow tongue projecting,
And a house at point of headland,
And beyond, a hut for fishing.
Thereupon the house he entered,
In the room they did not know him.180
“From what lake has come the stranger,
From what country is the wanderer?”
“Is your son then all forgotten,
Know you not your child, your offspring,
Who by Untamo’s marauders,
With them to their home was carried,