Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/37

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The Duel at Pohjola

On the edge were serpents creeping,
Lizards also there were gliding.150
Said the lively Lemminkainen,
Loudly grumbled Kaukomieli,
“Off to Tuonela the bearer,
Quick to Manala the handmaid,
Ere the moon again has risen,
Or this very day is ended!”
Afterwards these words he added,
“O thou beer, thou drink so nasty,
In an evil hour concocted,
Evil only lurks within thee!160
Notwithstanding I will drink it,
On the ground will cast the refuse,
With my nameless finger lift it,
With my left thumb will I lift it.”
Then he felt into his pocket,
And within his pouch was searching,
Took an angle from his pocket,
Iron hooks from out his satchel,
Dropped it down into the pint-pot,
In the ale began to angle,170
Hooked the snakes upon his fish-hooks,
On his hooks the evil vipers,
Up he drew of toads a hundred,
And of dusky snakes a thousand.
Down upon the ground he threw them,
Threw them all upon the planking,
Thereupon a sharp knife taking,
From the sheath he quickly drew it,
Cut the heads from off the serpents,
Broke the necks of all the serpents.180
Then he drank the ale with gusto,
Drank the black mead with enjoyment,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“As a guest I am not honoured,
Since no ale was brought unto me
Which was better worth my drinking,
Offered me by hands more careful,
In a larger vessel brought me;