Page:Kalevala (Kirby 1907) v2.djvu/38

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Since no sheep was slaughtered for me,
No gigantic steer was slaughtered,190
In the hall no ox they brought me,
From the house of hoofed cattle.”
Then did Pohjola’s great Master,
Answer in the words which follow:
“Wherefore have you then come hither,
Who invited you among us?”
Answered lively Lemminkainen,
Said the handsome Kaukomieli:
“Good is perhaps the guest invited,
Better still if uninvited.200
Hearken then, thou son of Pohja,
Pohjola’s illustrious Master,
Give me ale for cash directly,
Reach me here some drink for money.”
Then did Pohjola’s great Master,
Angry grow and greatly furious,
Very furious and indignant,
Sang a pond upon the flooring,
In the front of Lemminkainen,
And he said the words which follow:210
“Here’s a river you may drink of,
Here’s a pond that you may splash in.”
Little troubled Lemminkainen,
And he spoke the words which follow:
“I’m no calf by women driven,
Nor a bull with tail behind me,
That I drink of river-water,
Or from filthy ponds the water.”
Then himself began to conjure,
And himself commenced his singing,220
Sang upon the floor a bullock,
Mighty ox with horns all golden,
And he soon drank up the puddle,
Drank the river up with pleasure.
But the mighty son of Pohja,
By his spells a wolf created,
And upon the floor he sang him,
To devour the fleshy bullock.