Page:King Alfred's Old English version of St. Augustine's Soliloquies - Hargrove - 1902.djvu/95

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þæt þū mē behēte þæt þū mē woldest[1] getēcan þæt ic mihte God gesēon myd mȳnes mōdes ǣagan swā sweotele swā ic nū gesēo þā sunnan myd mīnes līchaman ægan.

G. Wel þū mē mynegast; ic ðē gelæste þæt ic þē gehēt. Geþence nū þæt þū myhtst gesēon myd þīnes lȳcuman ǣagan þrēo þing on ðǣre sunnan: ān is þæt hēo is; oðer, þæt hēo scȳnð; ðridde, þæt hēo feala þinga onlȳht myd hyre scīnian.[2] Ealle þā ðing þe beorhte bēoð, þonne sēo sunne hym on scȳnð, hī lȳhtað ongēan, ēlc be his mǣðe. Ac þā þe ungewlitige[3] bēoð, ðā ne lȳhtað nāwiht ongēan þā sunnan, þēah hēo hym on scīne. Ac sēo sunne scȳnð þēah on hī, and þēah hwā ongēan lōchige, hē ne mæg hī eallunga gesēon swylce swylt hēo is. Eall þis þū myht geþencan be Gode and ēac micle māre. Hē is sēo hēa sunne. Hē byt simle[4] scȳnunde of hys āgnum lēohte ǣgðer ge ða sunnan þe wē myd līcumlicum ǣagum gesēoð, ge æalle gescafta, ge gāstlica ge eorðlicra. Forðī mē þincð swīðe dysi man þe wilnat þæt hine eallunga ongytan swelcne[5] swilc hē is, þā hwlīe þe wē on þysse worlde bēoð. Hwæt! ic wēne þæt nān man ne sī tō þām dysig, þæt [hē] forðī unrōtsige[6] þēah hē ne mage þās sunnan þe wē līchamlicum ēagum onlōciað eallunga gesēon and ongytan swilce swilce hēo is; ac ǣlc fagnað þæs þē lǣste hē ongytan mæg be hys andgytes mǣðe. Wel sē dēð þe wilnað þā ēcan sunnan and Ælmyhtian tō ongytænne; ac hē dēð swīðe disilice, gyf he wilnað þæt hē hī ealunga ongyte þā hwile þe hē in þisse worlde byð.

illustrata, videri non þotest. Ergo et illa quae in disciplinis traduntur, quae quisquis intelligit, verissima esse nulla dubitatione concedit, credendum est ea non posse intelligi, nisi ab alio quasi suo sole illustrentur. Ergo quomodo in hoc sole tria quaedam licet animadvertere; quod est, quod fulget, quod illuminat: ita in illo secretissimo Deo quem vis intelligere, tria quaedam sunt; quod est, quod intelligitur, et quod caetera facit intelligi. Haec duo, id est, teipsum et Deum, at intelligas, docere te audeo. Sed responde quomodo haec acceperis; ut probabilia, an ut vera?

  1. me woldest me.
  2. sciman.
  3. ungewlitige.
  4. smile.
  5. swlcene.
  6. unrohsige.