Page:Kojiki by Chamberlain.djvu/323

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Vol. XXXI.]
Vol. II. Sect. CI.

“Come on, my lord! rather than be stricken by Furu-kuma’s hurtful hand, I will plunge like the grebe into the Sea of Afumi,—I will!”[1]

Forthwith they plunged into the sea, and died together.

[Sect. CI.—Emperor Chiū-ai (Part VIII.—The Heir Apparent Exchanges Names with the Great Deity Izasa-Wake).]

So when His Augustness the Noble Take-uchi, taking with him the Heir Apparent for the purpose of purification,[2] passed through the lands of Afumi and Wakasa,[3] he built a temporary palace at Tsunuga[4] at the mouth of the Road of Koshi[5] [for the Heir Apparent] to dwell in. Then His Augustness the Great Deity Izasa-wake,[6] who dwelt in that place, appeared at night in a dream,[7] and said: “I wish to exchange my name for the august name of the august child.” Then [the dreamer of the dream] prayed, saying: [“I] am filled with awe![8] The name shall be respectfully exchanged according to thy command.” Again the Deity charged [him, saying]: “To-morrow morning [the Heir Apparent] must go out on the beach; I will present my [thank-] offering for the name [given me] in exchange.” So when [the Heir Apparent] went

  1. The meaning of the poem is: “Rather than fall beneath the attacks of the enemy, let us drown ourselves in the Sea of Afumi” (Lake Biwa).—For the expression “stricken by a hurtful hand” see Sect. XLIV, Note 33.
  2. Viz., by water, as described in Sect. X.
  3. Etymology obscure.
  4. The marvellous etymology of this name which the author seems to adopt will be found at the end of this Section (Note 12). The compiler of the “Chronicles” is probably nearer the truth when he derives it from tsunu-ga, “horned stag.”
  5. For the meaning of this curious expression see Sect. LX, Note 20.
  6. The commentators give no explanation of this one of the three names of the deity in question. It would appear to be made up of a word expressive of solicitation and of a portion of the Heir Apparent’s name, thus signifying perhaps “Come on, Wake, [give me thy name]” with reference to the legend here narrated.
  7. To which of the two personages of the legend is not clear. Motowori, however, prefers to suppose that it was to Take-uchi, as, if the prince himself were intended, the word “dream” would probably receive the Honorific .
  8. Or, “I reverence [thy commands].”