Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/105

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gained strength. Looking round she saw herself to be in an elegantly adorned room. A cool, gentle wind was coming in from the open window. A soft, mild light burned in a crystal lamp at one side, at the other side the living lamp, her heart's keeper, burned. Here Rohini, drinking the restorative held to her lips by Gobind Lâl, was recovering life, there life-restoring words entering her ear aroused her faculties. First breath, then consciousness, sight, hearing, then speech, was restored to her. Rohini said—

"I was dead, who has restored me to life?"

Gobind.   "Never mind who saved you; that you are saved is enough."

Rohini.   "Why did you save me? Have you such enmity towards me that you stand in my way even in death?"

Gobind.   "Why should you die?"

Rohini.   "Have I not even the right to die?"

Gobind.   "No one has the right to commit sin; self-destruction is sinful."

Rohini.   "I don't know good from evil. No one has taught me. I don't heed sin or righteousness; for what sin am I thus