Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/106

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punished? If for no sin am thus afflicted, what worse can befal me if I sin? I will die. Not this time. I fell in your sight and you have saved me. I will do it again where you shall not see me."

"Why should you die?" Gobind Lâl asked, in much distress.

"Far better to die outright than to be always expecting death, day and night, from hour to hour, moment by moment."

"On what account do you suffer so much?"

Rohini.   "Night and day terrible thirst, a burning heart; before me cool water, but in this life never to touch that water. Not even the hope of it."

Gobind.   "It is of no use to talk in this way. Come, I will see you to your home."

Rohini.   "No, I will go alone."

Gobind Lâl understood why Rohini objected to his accompanying her. How could he persist? She went alone.

Then Gobind Lâl in the now vacant room, suddenly falling to the floor, rolling in the dust, gave way to weeping. Hiding his face on the ground, with fear-strained eyes, he pleaded, "O Lord, preserve me from this