Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/223

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fifth year.

Bhramar went back to her father-in-law's house, and lived in continual expectation of her husband's return. But he came not. Days, months passed; the husband came not, nor any news of him. Thus the third year passed. Gobind Lâl came not. The fourth year also passed; still no Gobind Lâl appeared. Meanwhile Bhramar's disease gained upon her—asthmatic cough, increasing emaciation. Death in the foreground, it seemed as if she would not see her husband again in this world.

The fifth year opened. In this fifth year there was great confusion. News came to Haridrâ that Gobind Lâl was caught, that he had been living at Brindâban disguised as a Boirâgi, and that there the police had