Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/224

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arrested him and taken him on to Jessore, where he was to be tried.

Bhramar heard this news from rumour only. This was the origin of the rumour. Gobind Lâl had written a letter to Bhramar's Dewân, saying, "I am on the way to gaol. If you think it suitable to spend some portion of my father's property in saving me, now is the time. I am not worthy of it; I do not wish to live; but I do beg that I may be saved from the gallows. Do not let it be known that I have written a letter."

The Dewân did not proclaim that he had received a letter; he sent the news as a report to the women's apartments.

On hearing it Bhramar sent for her father, who came immediately. Bhramar took out and gave him bank notes and securities for 50,000 rupees, and, with tears in her eyes, said, "Father, do all that can be done; let me not be driven to commit suicide."

Mâdhabi Nâth, weeping bitterly, said, "My child, rest quite assured; I shall go to Jessore this very day. Be not anxious. There is no proof that Gobind Lâl committed a murder. I engage to bring back 48,000