Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/61

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So Rohini, though now anxious to undo the terrible injury she had inflicted upon Gobind Lâl to gratify Hara Lâl’s greed, was prevented from doing so by the necessity of protecting her uncle. At length she resolved that in the same way that she had stolen the genuine will and substituted the false one, she would abstract the false will and put the true one in its place.

So, in the dead of night, the beautiful Rohini, taking the true will and summoning all her courage, went alone to the house of Krishna Kanta Râi. The private door was closed, so Rohini went on to the main entrance, where doorkeepers, sitting on their charpoys, with half-closed eyes and throats, were humming a favourite chant all out of tune. The doorkeepers asked her who she was. She answered, "Sakhi," giving the name of a young maidservant of the house, which satisfied them. So without difficulty Rohini passed into the house and took the already known path to Krishna Kanta’s room. The mansion being supposed to be well protected, Krishna Kanta's door was not closed. Listening intently as she entered, Rohini observed that Krishna Kanta's snore