Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/62

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was steady, uninterrupted, so noiselessly the will-stealer stepped into the room. The first thing she did was to extinguish the light, the next to get possession of the key, and again, as before, feeling in the darkness, she opened the drawer.

Rohini was extremely cautious, her finger touches delicate. Nevertheless the key in turning made a click. That click awoke Krishna Kanta. Not quite identifying the sound, he made no movement, but listened.

Rohini noticed that the snoring had stopped and knew that Krishna Kanta must be awake. She stood still and silent. Krishna Kanta called out, "Who is there?" but no one answered. It was no longer the same Rohini. This Rohini had become thin, distressed, dispirited, even frightened; she uttered a sigh, and that sigh reached the ear of Krishna Kanta, who called repeatedly, "Hari! Hari!"

If Rohini had liked she could have seized this opportunity to escape, but if she did Gobind Lâl's rights would not be secured. She thought to herself, "How is it I am not as bold to-day to do a good action, as I was the other day to do an evil one? Well, if I