Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/63

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am caught, what does it matter?" So Rohini did not try to escape.

Krishna Kanta’s repeated calls to Hari obtained no reply. Hari had gone to seek his pleasure elsewhere, he would soon return. Then Krishna Kanta, drawing a matchbox from beneath his pillow, suddenly struck a light and saw a woman standing near the chest of drawers. He lit the lamp from the match and said, "Who are you?"

The woman approached, saying, "I am Rohini."

Krishna.   "At this hour of the night! and in darkness! What can you be doing here?"

Rohini.   "Stealing."

Krishna.   "Cease joking. Say why I see you here in this condition. I shall not easily believe you come to steal, but you have the appearance of a thief."

Rohini.   "Well, then, what I came to do, I will do before your eyes. Watch me, then do as you think fit. I am caught, I cannot escape, I will not try."

Thus saying, Rohini returned to the drawer, opened it, took thence the false will, putting the true one in its place. She then tore the forged will into pieces.