Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/64

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Krishna Kanta screamed out, "Ha! ha! what are you tearing?" but in vain. Rohini burnt the fragments of the will in the flame of the lamp.

Krishna (angrily).   "What is that you have burnt?"

Rohini.   "A counterfeit will."

Krishna (shuddering).   "Will! will! Where is my will?"

Rohini.   "Your will is in the drawer. See for yourself!"

Krishna Kanta was astonished at this young woman's steady self-possession; he thought, "Has some divinity come to play a trick upon me?" He then opened the drawer and saw that a will was lying in it. He took it out, put on his spectacles, and on reading it found it was indeed the will he had drawn out. He again asked, "What was that you burned?"

Rohini.   "A counterfeit will."

Krishna   "A forged will! Who has forged a will? Where did you find it?"

Rohini.   "Who did it I cannot say. I found it in that drawer."

Krishna   "How did you guess there was a false will in that drawer?"