Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/93

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Thus resolving, guilty Rohini, rising, opened the door, and, like a moth attracted by the flame of a candle, went to Gobind Lâl. As she walked her heart went up in prayer, "O Lord of the world, Protector of the destitute, sole Helper of the sorrowful, I am greatly afflicted, I have fallen into heavy trouble—save me! quench this unbearable fire of love in my heart, let it burn no longer. The more I see him whom I am now going to see, the more unbearable my pain—the more endless my joy. I am a widow. My religion is gone, my joy is gone, my life is gone, what remains to me, Lord? What is there for me to keep? O ye gods! O Durgâ! O Kâli! O Jagannâth! make me good, strengthen my heart; I can no longer endure this suffering."

Then that bursting, stricken heart, filled with boundless love, could not be stayed. Now she thought of taking poison, now of throwing herself at the feet of Gobind Lâl and opening to him all her heart, now of going away, now of drowning herself in the tank Bârunî, now of throwing virtue to the winds, snatching away Gobind Lâl and flying with him to another place. Thus weeping,