Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/94

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thus distracted, she again came up to Gobind Lâl.

Gobind.   "How is this? I thought you had resolved to go to Calcutta!"

Rohini.   "No."

Gobind.   "How so? you only just now agreed to go."

Rohini.   "I can't go."

Gobind.   "I can’t say anything. I have no right to force you to go, but it were better you should."

Rohini.   "How can it be well to go?"

Gobind Lâl bent his head. How could he speak openly to her on such a matter?

Rohini, struggling with her tears and wiping them away, went slowly home. Greatly troubled, Gobind Lâl was turning the matter over when Bhomrâ came dancing up to him. "Of what are you thinking?"

Gobind.   "What do you think?"

Bhramar.   "Of my black form?"

Gobind.   "Oh!"

Bhramar (frowning).   "What does that mean? Are you not thinking of me? Except me have you anything in the world to think about?"

Gobind.   "Have I not? There is a whole