Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/96

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Bhramar.   "That is not true. You love me. You should not be fond of any one else. Why were you thinking of Rohini? tell me."

Gobind.   "Is a widow allowed to eat fish?"

Bhramar.   "No."

Gobind.   "If a widow may not eat fish, why does Târini's mother eat it?"

Bhramar.   "Oh! she is disgraceful. She does what she ought not to do."

Gobind.   "Then I also am disgraceful, for I do what I should not. I love Rohini."

In an instant Bhomrâ gave Gobind Lâl a slap on the cheek, saying very angrily, "I am—Mistress Bhomrâ—Dâsi—in my presence will you speak falsely?"

Gobind Lâl confessed defeat. Placing his hand on Bhramar's shoulder, taking in his hand her sweet face like an open lotus-flower, in soft but yet in grave and troubled tones he said, "Yes, I did not speak truly, Bhomrâ; I do not love Rohini. Rohini loves me."

Sharply Bhomrâ wrenched her face from Gobind Lâl's hold, and stood some distance