Page:Krishna Kanta's Will.djvu/97

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away. Her breast heaving, she said, "Wretched, vile woman! let her die, die, die!"

Laughing, Gobind Lâl said, "Why so much abuse already? She has not taken me from you, your sole jewel, the wealth of kings."

Bhomrâ (confounded).   "Get away! Why do you talk like that? Is it possible? Still, why did the woman speak so in your presence?"

Gobind.   "Just so, Bhomrâ; she ought not to have said it; that is what I was thinking about. I had arranged a home for her in Calcutta, I had bidden her go there, had even agreed to pay the cost―"

Bhomrâ   "And then?"

Gobind.   "And then she would not consent to it."

Bhomrâ   "Well, may I give her a piece of advice?"

Gobind.   "You may, but I must hear the advice."

Bhomrâ   "Hear it."

Thus saying Bhomrâ called repeatedly to a maidservant named Khiri.

Then Khirodâ, or Khiri, appeared, fat and