Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/106

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80 LABOUR IN MADRAS authorities of the two Mills. They put forward three very modest requests. The first was that the pay for the days of lock-out must be given to the labourers. The second was that the gratuity fund should be restored to the weavers, which was cancelled a few days ago.. The third was that the few people who were sent out under mere suspicion should be given back their places. These three requests have been refused by the Mill authorities, and they have preferred to continue with the lock-out and close the Mills. You will notice that these three requests revolved round the question of lock-out. From the notice that was issued yesterday we thought that the Mill authorities recognised their mistake that they could not visit the sins of the few upon thousands of labourers They know, as well as we do, that the step they have taken of declaring the lock-out was a false and unreasonable step. They in their notice practically acknowledged that the lock-out with the specific object of finding out the culprits was a false move. But when we ask them to take the next right step of opening the Mills altogether, of giving the pay for lock-out days, of restoring their position to the people who have been unjustly thrown out, and not to use the very partial rule about the gratuity fund, they refused to comply with our modest requests. Under the circumstances we have to go on--I do not know for how long -as we have gone on during the last 10 days. But I am not at all despondent of the situation as it is this afternoon. Our appeal to the public of Madras is being responded to in an adequate manner. Also our other work is progressing slowly but steadily. The help that I want from you is that you should be very cautious