Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/107

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81 and very careful in all that you do during this time when you have little work on hand. Remember that we have to face a great financial strain, and while I am sure that we will succeed with all our efforts, I want your help as much as I can get it in meeting that strain. Therefore observe due and deliberate economy in all the money that you spend. As many of you as aan get work here or elsewhere should accept it. Give us all the particulars that you can about your own conditions from time to time at the head-quarters of the Labour Union. As a last word I would ask you to keep up your courage and also your patience. I do not say that the work before us is easy. It is a very difficult struggle that faces us. But our cause is just and righteous, and victory is certain for us. (Cheers.) That victory will not only depend upon those who give us money from outside or other moral support from outside but that victory will ultimately rest on the way in which you carry your fight, and show your grit, pluck and courage. I depend for money on outsiders, but to me that is a little matter. The great matter to me is that I should be able to depend upon you. And therefore I would ask you to go on with your fight till victory is won. Remember that the victory must be won by you and by no one else. The President then announced that the number of new members who joined the Union that day was 340, and continuing, said that the way in which the young boys behaved that morning was excellent and in consequence they desired to throw open the door of the Union to them, but as they were young they could not be made members, they would be called associates freed from any contribution. He agreed to the request of 6.