Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/39

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13 propaganda have come here to get hold of you for our own purposes. That is a lie which will stand exposed in due course of time when the real nature of our work is known. Another thing: on my arrival I found was thisma number of letters have come to me mentioning of the great rise in price of food-stuffs and of clothing material. I have been thinking of it and you may have heard that two or three letters have already been translated and published in New India without giving out the names of the writers, and to-day we have written on the subject of the rise in prices. I have been conferring with some of my friends and we have come to the conclusion that it will be necessary for us to open stores from which the members of our Union will receive food-stuffs at as low prices as it is possible for us to fix. It is said in the letter-and I think it is true—that, for instance, rice is at the present moment given to you at four measures per rupee and fear is expressed that it will presently come down to three measures per rupee. Making inquiries I find it possible for us who do not want to make profit, to supply you five measures of rice per rupee and similarly in the case of chillies and salt we think we shall be able to help our members in a substantial way. Therefore we propose to open stores from which food-stuffs, especially rice, chillies and salt, will be supplied at as cheap rates as possible to our members. On this point we ask your opinion as to which day of the week you would have these things brought to some place, and on what particular day of the week would you buy them. I understand the second Saturday of every month you get your wages. Now I think it