Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/40

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will be possibly easier for you to get your food-stuffs bought from the stores once a week on the day which will suit your convenience, at prices that we can offer you. Secondly I want you to realize that as we are not making any profit on these things and as we will have to do it with what little help we can raise from among our friends, articles will be sold for cash at present as it is not possible for us to give credit to our customers. So that our members will have to bring money on the spot and buy things on the favourable terms offered. Thirdly, I would ask you to write to me what are the difficulties which are in your way regarding clothing material. What is the kind of help that you, especially those who are the members of the Union, would like to have from us. I do not want to shut out those who are not members of the Union but at the present time our organization is young, our resources are limited and our first duty is towards those who have joined the Labour Union. Therefore I ask those of you who have not yet joined the Union to join it if you want some little help we will be able to render to you during the next week. OUTSIDERS The next point you will realize is that there is a great amount of talk going on among people who do not under stand our work. It is said that some of us have come here to use you as our tools and are directing your activities for our benefit and not for your good. I would like you therefore to realize more and more the nature of our activities for the benefit of the Labour Union, and to publicly and openly support it and show what you can do for yourselves. As I had said to you before, it is very