Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/79

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53 globe. This great event in the history of the world which we have witnessed during the last few days affects us here, though we are thousands of miles from the scene of the great happening. What has happened in the various countries of Europe affects us exactly in the same fashion as it affects the people of those countries. Now what has happened there? What has happened there is that tyranny, autocracy, unrighteous ness, pride, have seen the destruction of themselves. THE RESULTS OF ARMISTICE IN INDIA Now what has happened there must also happen everywhere because when tyranny is destroyed in one country of the world it necessarily gives enthusiasm, help and instruction to the people in other countries of the world to learn the lesson that the great happening gives. (Cheers.) Now we are affected in this country because we have always believed-and because we believed, we were able to give our money and men for the battles of the King-Emperor--that tyranny and autocracy in Europe, especially in Germany and Austria, will break and the result that we have got today- because blood has been poured out, because money has been spent-the result we have got at the cost of that is so supreme for the benefit of the human race, that we may go down on our knees and thank God that we were participants in the victory and that we were on the side of right. Now we have all to remember that there are people in this country of India who, in the way of thinking and in their habits, though not exactly like Germans and Austrians, come near their form of character and life. Now therefore our duty will be to wipe from this our country all those expressions of auto