Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/80

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cracy, tyranny, unrighteousness and unbrotherly conduct. And how are we going to do it? In Russia, in Germany, in Austria, the winning of that autocracy has to be attained by bloodshed, by misery and suffering and by deaths of thousands upon thousands of people. But in this country of India we want to attain that happy and peaceful condition without bloodshed, without difficulty, without trouble, by the weapons of truth and the arms of righteousness. Before the War there existed in the world a few great autocracies where tyranny was rampant and human liberty was curtailed. Of these few countries Russia was the first to wipe out that autocracy. It has been wiped out in Turkey, in Austria and in Germany. But there are still certain countries in the world where forms of tyranny exist and our country is one of them. Therefore in this country we will study very carefully our conditions, and above all stand united, all together, Hindus and Muhammadans Christians and Parsis, Jains and Sikhs, Brahmanas and Non-Brahmanas. We have been devising plans to bring about changes in our Government in a peaceful manner. THE PART OF THE WORKING CLASSES Now what part are you, the labourers of this country, going to play in this great work that is going to take place ? Remember that the people who have won this great victory in various European countries are the labourers, the masses of people who have the love of liberty in their heart, who have fought in the battles and won the prize for themselves. It is not the few leaders, the few generals, the few politicians or states men that have brought victory in those parts of the