Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/96

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70 LABOUR IN MADRAS closed we have been taught one lesson: that whatever you do, you must do in such a fashion that your enemy does not know anything about it. For the same roason I think it will be best for us to do our work quietly and not speak about it. I will keep very strictly the detailed account of all the money that we get, of all the money that we spend, and when this great struggle is over the account will be published in the papers, duly audited. Next I told you that with the help of the Employment Bureau which we formed the day before yesterday, I will be able to find out employment for some of you in other parts of the country. You will be glad to know that that work is also proceeding, and the first batch of men will go out from Madras before many days are over. Now the one point that I want to mention in connection with the relief measure is that the help of the relief fund and the Employment Bureau will be extended only to the members of the Union. Now, those of you who are not members of the Union. I would request you to join immediately so that you may also have the benefit of this relief work. And there is another, and to my mind greater, reason why those of you who have not joined the Labour Union should join it immediately and it is this. The fight that is now going on, I repeat what I have said before, has nothing to do with merely the question of assaults and culprits, but is based on greater and bigger problems, diz., the fight between the labourers who are standing up for their dignity and their right and the capitalists who are trying to put them down. I therefore want you to realise that if in this struggle you stand by the Labour Union you will be able to see for