Page:Labour in Madras.djvu/97

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71 yourselves the dawning of great and peaceful and more glorious days. And therefore I would request you to remember every morning, every afternoon, every evening, every night, that as members of the Labour Union you have a duty towards it, and see that you are going to perform it at whatever cost. Your duty is the duty of following the path of truth, and as long as you follow truth you have nothing to fear. After this lock-out, at the very first meeting I have advised you to follow the path of truth. If you know, I repeat, those people who have committed the act of assault, please come and inform me. I shall deal with them according to the law of the land. For, some people are repeatedly saying that the members of the Labour Union as well as outsiders know who the culprits are, and it is your duty, as truth-loving people, as people following truth, to come and tell me if you know who the culprits are and in the name of righteousness let us take the next step. In this world where God's laws work, to men who are truth speaking, to men who are just, to men who follow the righteous example of righteous men, there is no harm whatsoever. If your hands are clean, if your hearts are clean, you have nothing to fear and you can go on in your righteous struggle, assuring the mill authorities of your helplessness because you do not know the culprits, nor know anything about them. And that way have patience and go on with your struggle ; for the struggle is based on a great truth and a great principle. By your sacrifice and by your suffer ing for nobl truth we will gain a victory, and that not only to you but for the entire country at large. There is only one more announcement I have to make. To-morrow afternoon at 1 o'clock our rice shop