Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/113

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and dodge, no more qualifies him for a captain, than the most thorough knowledge of drill does a soldier for a commander. Directing the men during the fluctuations of a game is mainly a peculiar mental occupation, and needs something beyond the physical attributes of a player. The principles practised by him in play are no criterion for his conduct as captain. The individual and collective positions of his own men, as well as his opponents, in the various evolutions necessary te attack and defence, require to be constantly watched and checked. A captain must know the name of every player of his side, and their special characteristics. Some men are reliable, others risky, others unfortunate. A captain's tactics must depend greatly upon the temperament of his men. Wellington used deployed lines two deep when he had British troops, but at Waterloo he formed the Hessian infantry in columns. With men who thoroughly understand and practice "tacking," or playing to each other, successful movements may be made which would be disaster with raw or egotistic players.

In playing Indians, it is always best not to be independent, but rather to post the men to check their arrangement, as they dispose themselves without