Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/278

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may either limit their own numbers to equalize the sides, or compel the other side to fill up the compliment.

RULE X.—Spiked Soles.

No player must wear spiked soles.

RULE XI.—Touching the Ball with the Hand.

The ball must not be touched with the hand, save in case of Rules XII. and XIII.

RULE XII.—Goal-Keeper.

Goal-keeper, while defending goal within the goal-crease, may pat away with his hand or block the ball in any manner.

RULE XIII.—Ball in an Inaccessible Place.

Should the ball lodge in any place inaccessible to the crosse, it may be taken out by the hand; and the party picking it up, must "face" with his nearest opponent.

RULE XIV.—Ball Out of Bounds.

Balls thrown out of bounds must be picked up with the hand, and "faced" for at the nearest spot within the bounds.

RULE XV.—Throwing the Crosse.

No player shall throw his crosse at a player or at the ball under any circumstances.

RULE XVI.—Accidental Game.

Should the ball be accidentally put through a goal by one of the players defending it, it is game for the side attacking that goal. Should it be put through a goal by any one not actually a player, it shall not count.

RULE XVII.—Balls Catching in the Netting.

Should the ball catch in the netting, the crosse must immediately be struck on the ground so as to dislodge it.

RULE XVIII.—Rough Play, &c.

No player shall hold another with his crosse, nor shall he grasp an opponent's stick with his hands, under his arms, or