Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/279

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between his legs; nor shall any player hold his opponent's crosse with his crosse in any way to keep him from the ball until another player reaches it. No player shall deliberately strike or trip another, nor push with the hand; nor must any player jump at to shoulder an opponent, nor wrestle with the legs entwined so as to throw his opponent.

RULE XIX.—Threatening to Strike.

Any player raising his fist to strike another, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XX.—Foul Play.

Sec. 1.—Any player considering himself purposely injured during play, must report to his captain, who must report to the umpires, who shall warn the player complained of.

Sec. 2.—In the event of persistent fouling, after cautioning by the umpires, the latter may declare the match lost by the side thus offending, or may remove the offending player or players, and compel the side to finish the match short-handed.

RULE XXI.—Interrupted Matches.

In the event of a match being interrupted by darkness or to any other cause considered right by the umpires, and one side having won two games—the other none—the side having won the two games shall be declared winners of the match. Should one side have won two games, and the other one, the match shall be considered drawn.

RULE XXII.—Amendments.

Any amendment or alteration proposed to be made in any part of these laws, shall be made only at the Annual Conventions of the National Association, and by a three-fourths vote of the members present.