Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/290

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RULE XVIII.—Rough Play, &c.

No player shall grasp an opponent's stick with his hands, hold with his arms, or between his legs; nor shall any player hold his opponent's crosse with his crosse in any way to keep him from the ball until another player reaches it. No player, with his crosse or otherwise, shall hold, deliberately strike, or trip another, nor push with the hand; nor must any player jump at to shoulder an opponent from behind while running for or before reaching the ball; nor wrestle with the legs entwined, so as to throw an opponent.

RULE XIX.—Threatening to Strike.

Any player deliberately striking another, or raising his hand to strike, shall be immediately ruled out of the match.

RULE XX.—Deliberate Charging.

No player shall charge into another after he has thrown the ball

RULE XXI.—Crosse Check.

The check commonly known as the "square" or "crosse" check, which consists of one player charging into another with both hands on the crosse, so as to make the stick meet the body of his opponent, is strictly forbidden.

RULE XXII.—Interfering.

No player shall interfere in any way with another who is in pursuit of an opponent in possession of the ball.

RULE XXIII.—Foul Play.

Sec. 1. Any player considering himself purposely injured during play, must report to his Captain, who must report to the Referee, who shall wain the player complained of.