Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/291

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Sec. 2. In the event of persistent fouling, after being cautioned by the Referee, the latter may declare the match lost by the side thus offending, or may remove the offending player or players, and compel the side to finish the match short-handed.

RULE XXIV.—Interrupted Matches.

In the event of a match being interrupted by darkness or any other cause considered right by the Umpires, and one side having won two games—the other none—the side having won the two games shall be declared winners of the match. Should one side have won two games, and the other one, the match shall be considered drawn. This does not apply where special arrangements have been made by the Captains, as in Rule ix, Sec. 3.

RULE XXV.—"Claiming Games."

When "game" is claimed by the side attacking a goal, the Referee or either Umpire shall immediately call "time," and then proceed to give their decision. Until their decision has been given no game can be taken. The players shall keep their places, nor shall they leave them (unless the game be decided as won) until the game has again been started by the Referee.

RULE XXVI.—Settlement of Disputes.

In the settlement of any dispute, whether by the Umpires or Referee, it must be distinctly understood that the Captains, with one player to be selected by them, have the right to speak on behalf of their respective clubs; and any pro-position or facts that any player may wish brought before the Referee must come through the Captains or the player selected by them.