Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/293

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Sec. 5. A club must accept challenges in the order of their reception. Challenges can not be sent earlier than the tenth of May nor later than the ninth of October, inclusive, and no match shall be played earlier than the 24th of May, unless mutually agreed upon. The season shall be from the 24th of May to the 31st October inclusive.

RULE XXIX.—Championship Rule.

Preamble.—In order to create a greater interest in our national game, the National Lacrosse Association of Canada invites all clubs to compete for the Championships, for which purpose the Association offers a senior championship pennant, and a junior championship pennant, the winning clubs to hold the same under the annexed rules, and also subject to the rules of the game. The holders of these pennants to be recognized as the Senior and Junior Champions of Canada.

Sec. 1. The Club holding the "Championship" can not be compelled to play any club competing therefor, more than twice in any one year, and an intervening space of two months must elapse between such matches.

Sec. 2. In the event of the holders losing the "Championship," their Secretary shall, within one week furnish to the Secretary of the winning club, copies, certified by their President, of all challenges for the "Championship" at the time undisposed of, and at the same time give up the champion pennant to the winning Club.

Sec. 3. The club winning the "Championship" shall take up these undisposed challenges, and treat them as their own, in accordance with and subject to Rule xxviii (Challenges).

Sec. 4. Should the Champion Club be challenged by a club belonging to another city or part of the Dominion, half of