Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/294

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the net proceeds received from such match shall go towards defraying travelling and hotel expenses only, of the visiting team and its Captain.

Sec. 5. Should half the net proceeds amount to more than the actual expenses of the visiting team, they shall receive their expenses only—the balance belonging to the Champion Club.

Sec. 6. A statement, signed by the President and Secretary of the Champion Club, given to the competing club, shall be evidence of the amount of net proceeds taken at such match.

Sec. 7. Any Club holding either of the Championships, shall furnish security for the sum of $200 to the satisfaction of the President and Sec-Treasurer of this Association, that the Champion Pennant will be given up to the winning club upon the adjudication of the game by the Referee, or as provided by Sec. 2 of this Rule.

Sec. 8. Upon the Pennant being surrendered to the winning club, the President and Secretary-Treasurer of this Association shall return or cancel the security given by the losing club.

Sec. 9. No club shall be entitled to hold both Championships, or play for the Senior Championship while holding the Junior Championship.

Sec 10. City Clubs competing for the Junior Championship, shall not have upon their teams any players over 21 years of age. Other than city or Indian clubs, shall be allowed to have players of any age upon their teams.

Sec. 11. Indian Clubs shall be allowed to compete for these Championships, under the Rules of this Association; but in that case they will be debarred from the privilege