Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/298

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his election, signed by the President and Secretary of the club he represents.


Sec. 1.—Clubs belonging to the Association must be composed exclusively of amateurs. Any club desiring to be represented in this Association, shall present to the Secretary, at least thirty days previous to the annual meeting of the Association, a written official application, signed by its President and Secretary, giving the name and date of organization of their club, number of members, days and places of playing, names of officers and delegates, and address of Secretary. The Secretary shall then record the name of the applying club on a temporary roll, and after the said club has paid its dues to the Treasurer, it shall be entitled to challenge and be challenged by clubs in the Association until the annual meeting. At the annual meeting the Secretary shall then submit the names, etc., of the applying clubs to the Committee on nominations. Said Committee shall thereupon ascertain the condition, character, and standing of such club, and behaviour at matches, and report the same with the said application and their opinion thereon, and a ballot shall thereon be had at such annual meeting upon the admission of such club—when, if two-thirds of the delegates present vote in favour thereof, such club shall be declared duly entitled to representation in this Association, and may immediately sit and vote. If the said club is not elected, the dues paid to the Treasurer are to be refunded, and its name erased from off the temporary roll. Any informality or irregularity in the form or substance of the application may be waived by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the annual meeting.

Sec. 2.—No club shall be represented in this Association