Page:Lacrosse- The National Game of Canada (New Edition).djvu/299

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until it has paid its subscription and agreed to the existing Constitution of the Association and the Laws of Lacrosse.

Sec. 3.—No club whose members average under sixteen years of age shall be admitted.


The annual subscription shall be three dollars for each club in the Association, payable before the first of June. The Council shall have the privilege of levying a special assessment to defray actual expenses, if necessary.


Sec. 1.—At every convention meeting one or more matches shall be played, if possible, the proceeds of which shall go to the treasury of the Association.

Sec. 2.—All expenses of advertising, hall, ground, &c. attendant on the convention meeting, shall be defrayed by the Association.

Sec. 3.—The travelling and hotel expenses of the President and Secretary-Treasurer of this Association attendant upon the convention meetings, shall be defrayed by the Association.


Sec. 1.—The Association shall have jurisdiction overall clubs on its roll. It shall see that the Laws of Lacrosse are strictly obeyed. Any one of its office-bearers shall have power to report infractions of the rules to the Association.

Sec. 2.—The Association shall form a central body, to which all questions as to points of play, club management &c., may be referred.