Page:Laws of Hammurabi, King of Babylonia.djvu/25

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behind belongs to her brothers [life estate with remainder to brothers].

181. In event a father, who dedicated his daughter to the temple, thereupon gives her no dowry and then the father dies, she shall receive from her father's estate [the use of for life] ⅓ of her portion of the estate so long as she shall live and at her death her share of the estate is to revert to her brothers.

182. In event the father should fail to bestow on his daughter [virgin of the temple] a dowry prior to his death, she shall receive ⅓ of a child's portion from her father's estate, but she shall not be entrusted with the management thereof. She may, however, make whatsoever disposition of this property by law, as she may desire.

183. If anyone gives to his daughter, who is the offspring of a concubine, a dowry with a certificate thereof, and then gives her in marriage, and the father dies, she is to receive no portion of the paternal heritage.

184. If the father of the daughter of a concubine does not give a dowry to the daughter and does not provide for her in marriage, and the father dies, the daughter's brothers are to give her a dowry in keeping with the paternal fortune, and provide for her marriage.

185. In event of the adoption of a child by a person who shall give to the child his own name and nurture the child to maturity, the [natural] parents of the child shall not be permitted to claim it [of its foster parents].

186. In event of the misconduct of the child he may be returned to his father's house [by his foster parents].

187. The son of a gallant [libertine] in the service of the palace or of a public girl [public prostitute] cannot be demanded back [from the persons who cared for and raised him.

188. If a workman adopts a child for the purpose of rearing him and teaches him his trade, the child cannot be demanded back again.

189. If he has failed to teach him his trade, the son, upon reaching maturity, can return to his father's house.

190. In event an adopted child is not permitted to associate with the children of his foster parents, he may at maturity return to his father's house.

191. If anyone [unmarried] adopts a child and afterwards founds a home and rears children of his own, and then attempts to cast out the foster child, shall not be permitted so to do unless he shall give to the foster child ⅓ of a child's portion exclusive of his field, garden and house.

192. In event a foster child shall say to his foster father or mother, "Thou art not my father or mother," his tongue shall be cut off.

193. If the son of a gallant [libertine] or of a [gallant's] mistress seeks knowledge of his natural father's home from his foster father or mother, and turns away from them [his foster parents] and goes into his [natural] father's house, then his eyes are to be put out.

194. If anyone leaves a child with a wet nurse and the child dies in the wet nurse's charge, and the nurse then suckles to maturity another child without the knowledge of the father and mother of the child left with her in the first instance, that nurse shall be arrested, because she has nursed another child without the knowledge of the father and mother, and her breast is to be amputated [upon conviction of the offence].

195. Anyone assaulting his father shall suffer the loss of his hands.

196. Anyone destroying the eye of another shall suffer the loss of an eye as punishment therefor.