Page:Laws of Hammurabi, King of Babylonia.djvu/48

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The ^^liff and Pueblo Ruins Are Most Convenient!}' ef Colorado, New Mexico Arizona and Utah Reached by Way of RECOGNIZING the great interest which has lately been aroused in these wonderful ruins, we have made such reduced railroad rates as will enable visitors to reach these marvelous structures with the least possible expenditure of time and money. The railroad rate is $28.00 for the round trip from Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, which applies to most of the points from which the various cliff dwellings can be reached, This route also covers the famous "Around the Circle" tour, which comprises more noted scenery than any similar trip in the world. Tickets are on sale from May to October of each year and are good sixty days from date of sale, permitting stop-overs at all points. Transcontinental tourists may secure a reduced rate for side-trip tickets on presentation of their through tickets to the agents at Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Salida or Montrose, thus affording all who desire to do so an opportunity to visit the won- derful ruins. For free illustrated booklets, address S. K. HOOPER General Passenger and Ticket Agent DENVER, COL.