Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/144

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Leaves of Knowledge

Montesano has also important lumbering industries.

I now make my second stop at Aberdeen, at the head of Gray's Harbor, and situated on both sides of the Chehalis river, where vessels are constantly being loaded with lumber and shipped to San Francisco and foreign ports. Also the saw mills are kept continually in operation, furnishing the manufactured lumber for shipment by train to eastern markets. Here is the home of that beautiful bird called "Glebe," from the breasts of which are made magnificent shoulder capes.

I made a trip over to Cosmopolis on the gasoline launch Maud S., and another trip by boat to South Aberdeen, and they, as well as Hoquiam, were one continual bustle in the manufacture and shipment of lumber. "Ocosta by the Sea" and the summer resort of West-