Page:Leaves of Knowledge.djvu/145

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Tacoma and Olympia

port, constitute the towns of this prosperous inland sea of Gray's Harbor.

I then went to Centralia and Bucoda, where I found the same stir in the sawing and shipment of lumber.

At Chehalis is still lumbering industries, and the junction, branching off to South Bend, on Willapa Harbor, where is the home of the oysters.

At Long Beach is a fashionable summer resort.

At the mouth of that great and glorious Columbia river, which gives prosperity to Washington and Oregon, is Ilwaco, with salmon fisheries and canneries.

At Castle Rock, Kelso and Kalama may be heard the buzz of the saw, demonstrating the manufacture of lumber.

I will now take my reader with me for a brief stop at Portland, Oregon.