Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/102

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læt yrnan þone drænc into ælcan lime gif þu him senije hpile bepylsefc pu onjitfc f lie if ppympul to beganne.

J7iS mefce cpeoppan genime eopSjeallan opig to bufte pcab on eala o$$e on j*pa hpsefc ppa pu bpincan pille pe brS pel. pi$ pset man ne mage plapan genini hyennebellan j*eeb *j cunmintan peap hpep to^sebene <j pmype p heapob mib him biS pel;

þonne þe mon ærest secge ꝥ þin ceap sy losod þonne cweð þu ærest ær þu elles hwæt cweþe

bæðleem hatte seo buruh
þe crist on acænned wæs
seo is gemærsad[1] geond ealne middangeard
swa þyos dæd for monnum mære gewurþe

þurh þa haligan cristes rode amen · gebide þe þonne þriwa east & cweþ þonne þriwa crux xp͏͞i ab oriente reducað gebide þe þonne þriwa west & cweð þonne þriwa crux xp͏͞i ab occidente reducat; gebide þe þonne þriwa suð & cweþ þriwa crux xp͏͞i ab austro reducat · gebide þonne þriwa norð & cweð þriwa crux xp͏͞i ab aquilone reducað · crux xp͏͞i abscondita est et inuenta est · iudeas crist ahengon dydon dæda þa wyrrestan hælon ꝥ hy forhelan ne mihtan swa þeos dæd nænige þinga forholen ne wurþe þurh þa halgan[2] cristes rode · amen.

contra oculorum dolorem.

Dne pee patep omnipotenp etepne beus pana oculop hominip lfuiup • n. picut panafti • oculop piln cobi et multopum cecopum quos bomme tu es oculos[3] cecopum

  1. A later hand interlines o to make gemærsod. Morosi grammatici!
  2. Interlined i to make haligan.
  3. Read oculus.