Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/103

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the drink run into every limb; if thou followest up this drink any while, thou shalt understand that it is advantageous to make use of.

90. In case meat of milk diet turn sour, take earthgall, dry it to dust, shed it into ale or into whatever thou wilt drink, it shall be well with thee. In case a man is not able to sleep, take henbane seed and juice of garden mint, shake them up together, and smear the head therewith; it will be all right with it.

91. When first thou art told that thy cattle are lost, then say thou before thou say anything else,

Bethlehem hight the borough
On which kindled was Christ
It is far faméd
Throughout all the earth
So may this deed among men
Become patent and public

Through the holy rood of Christ. Amen. Then say thy prayers thrice to the east, and say thrice "May the cross of Christ bring me back my beasts from the east;" then pray thrice to the west, and say thrice "May the cross of Christ bring me back my beasts from the west;" then pray thrice to the south, and say thrice "May the cross of Christ bring me back my beasts from the south;" then pray thrice to the north, and say thrice "May the cross of Christ bring me back my beasts from the north. It was lost and By St. found. The Jews hung up Christ, they did of deeds the worst, they hid that they could not hide; so may this deed be no wise hidden, through the holy rood of Christ. Amen"

92. For pain of eyes.

A prayer in Latin. Under the title wið egna sake sinc ðis, "for sore of eyes sing this," we find in the Durham Ritual, as printed p. 115, a similar prayer.