Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/45

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MS. Harl. 585.


Against head wark; take hammerwort and everlasting, let it be the netherward part of it, pound it, lay on a cloth, rub it up in water, rub strongly, so that it may be all lathered, wash the head frequently with the lather. For head pain, boil in water hind heal and groundsel and fencress and githrife, make them reek into the eyes while they are hot, and rub about the eyes with the worts so hot. For head wark; pound roots of beet with honey, squeeze them, put the juice upon the face, let the man lie supine against a hot sun, and hang his head down till the (vertical) axis be reached. Let him have before that in his mouth some butter or oil, then let him sit up straight, and then lean forward, let the mucus flow off his face; do that frequently till it be clean. For a head salve and for an eye salve; rub up aloes into vinegar, smear the head therewith, and put it into the eyes. An eye salve; put into a horn wine and pepper, and into the eyes when you wish to go to bed.

2. An eye salve; take the nether part of strawberry and pepper, put them into a cloth, bind them up, lay them in sweetened wine, drop from the cloth a drop into either eye. If eyes are stopped up, take a crabs gall and white mint, wood lettuce, and a salmons gall, collect them, drip into the eye through a coloured linen cloth and a little of the ooze of arum, then the eye recovers. This is the best eye salve, take dumbledores honey, foxes grease, and a roebucks marrow,