Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/47

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mingle them together. If there be a pock on the eye, take marrow, soap, and a hinds milk, mingle together, and whip up, let it stand till it be clear, then take the clear liquor, put it into the eyes; with Gods help the pock shall go away. This is the noblest eye salve against eye wark and against mist and against wen and against worms and against itch, and against bleared eyes, and against all strange swellings. Take feverfue blossoms and thunder clover blossoms and dill blossoms and hammerwort blossoms and two sorts of wormwood and pennyroyal and the lower part of lily and brittanica and lovage and pellitory, and bring the worts together and boil them in harts marrow or harts grease, and mingle; then put a good much into the eyes and smear on the outside and warm at the fire; and this salve is good for every swelling, to swallow and to smear with, be the swelling on whatsoever limb it may.

3. Against cough, take virgin honey and seed of marche and seed of dill, pound the seed small, mingle it thick with the honey, and pepper it smartly; take three spoons full at night fasting. For dimness of eyes, take the netherward part of wolfscomb and lay it for three nights in honey, then take it and wipe the honey off, then pound one piece of the wort, and wring through a coloured linen cloth into the eye.

4. If eyes are bleared, take green rue, pound it small and wash with dumbledores honey or with down honey, wring through a linen cloth on the eye as long as the man needeth it. Let the man who hath ill humours on his neck take halswort and woodmarch and wild chervil and strawberry plants and everthroat, and garclife, and ironhard gathered without use of any iron, and stitchwort, and knee holly and broad bishopwort and brown wort, let him gather all these worts together