Page:Leechdoms wortcunning and starcraft of early England volume 3.djvu/51

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For a bleeding " fig," take the wort myrrha and carve up nine -peimyiveight, and on each one put honey, and swallow them of an evening; and again other nine of a morning, and so do for nine days and nine nights; except amends come to thee sooner.

7. It was not necessary either to amend or translate the Latin.

8. Cardiacus hight the disease in which a man sweat eth excessively; on it one must work up purgative drinks and work him a poultice for the front of his head and for his breast. Take green leaves of rue, scrape them small and pound them thoroughly, and sift barley meal, add it thereto, and sweetened oat, work it into a poultice, and put it on a thick cloth and bind on for three nights and three days, again apply a new one, and let the sick man drink from wrung bramble berries often. Sing this for tooth ache after the sun hath gone down .... then name the man and his father, then say, a lilumenne, it acheth beyond everything, when it lieth low it cooleth, when on earth it burnetii hottest: finit: amen."

9. For the wrist drop, ivy and cinqfoil, adderworfc and ladderwort and earth gall; work up the worts at harvest and scrape them small and dry them, and keep them over winter and use them; when thou hast need of them boil them in ale. Against a swelling; take root of lily, sprouts of elder, and leaves of leek, and scrape them very small and pound them thoroughly, and put them on a thick cloth, and bind on. Sing this prayer upon the black blains[1] nine times; but first of
  1. "Black blain" translates carbunculus in Gl. R. p. 64, for the true reading in that place will be seo blace blegne.